Electromagnetic radiation monitoring universal device

Autor: Fanel-Viorel Panaitescu, Mariana Panaitescu, Marius-Valentin S. Dumitrescu
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies X.
Popis: The negative consequences of polluting factors has created in the society a culturalization of the population in this direction. Real-time knowledge of indoor and outdoor air quality, water quality, noise pollution level, or electromagnetic radiation level, all these are requirements of today's society. The demand for devices to monitor these polluting factors has increased substantially in recent years. The devices for monitoring electromagnetic radiation are also part of the increasingly requested devices. The current market offers such devices, which have a high cost price, which can usually only indicate the presence of electromagnetic radiation but does not indicate the volume, or area of the radiation origin, nor does it integrate their amount 1, 2. Thus the need arose to develop a universal device for the monitoring of electromagnetic radiation called Electro-Magnetic Radiation-Monitoring Universal Device (EMR-MUD). It complements the family of universal devices for monitoring Indoor Air Quality Universal Device (IAQ-MUD) 3 and Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring Universal Device (OAQ-MUD) 4 improving the image of polluting factors. Through this paper we present how we designed the electronic scheme of the device, then how we built this device and finally, how we purchased the data through the "Tdera Term" programm, which offers the possibility of accessing data both on a serial local communication and accessing it. data via the Internet. This device is able to monitor several areas of interest in the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, being built for indoor and outdoor spaces 5.
Databáze: OpenAIRE