New data on plume moths (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) of Oman

Autor: Peter Ustjuzhanin, Anna Ustjuzhanina, Aidas Saldaitis, Vasily Kovtunovich
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Zoology in the Middle East. 65:75-78
ISSN: 2326-2680
Popis: This article provides a list of Pterophoridae of the Oman fauna. Three more species are added to the previously known 14. For Agdistis omani Arenberger, 2008, described on the basis of a female, we give a description of the male genitalia and an image of the male. For Cosmoclostis lanceata (Arenberger, 1985) we establish the junior synonym: Cosmoclostis gorbunovi Ustjuzhanin & Kovtunovich, 2011 syn. n.
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