Tonsillectomies and Adenotonsillectomies--Will the Debate Never Be Over?

Autor: J. B. Rosefsky, J. L. Paradise, C. D. Bluestone, H. E. Rockette
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: PEDIATRICS. 112:205-205
ISSN: 1098-4275
Popis: To the Editor .— The article by Doctors Paradise, Bluestone, and colleagues,1 which discourages tonsillectomies and adenotonsillectomies (T&As) yet again, is commendable for making readers think about criteria and outcome. But insufficient data and loose criteria make it difficult to evaluate pre- versus postsurgery study groups, or versus control patients. As a concatenation of partial sets of observation and data, versus controls, the clinical trials studied: 1. otitis media in children 2. “obstructing adenoids” (and persistent mouth-breathing?) 3. group A β-hemolytic streptococcal infection in children with obstructing adenoids, or with “recurrent or persistent otitis media” 4. culture-positive β streptococcal pharyngitis in children postoperative T&A or tonsillectomy alone 5. tonsil, adenoid, or pharyngeal infection, and maybe cervical lymphadenopathy, regardless of etiologic agent, in all enrollees. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 above are contained within the “2-way trial.” Readers would learn more if enrollment culture data and postoperative surveillance regarding otitis media and nasal passage obstruction were provided. Number 4 is incomplete, lacking enrollment incidence of culture-positive β streptococcal infection for the 3-way trial. With …
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