Strategies to parallelize a finite element mesh truncation technique on multi- and manycore architectures

Autor: Jose M. Badia, Adrian Amor-Martin, Jose A. Belloch, Luis Emilio García-Castillo
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Achieving maximum parallel performance on multi-core CPUs and many-core GPUs is a challenging task depending on multiple factors. These include, for example, the number and granularity of the computations or the use of the memories of the devices. In this paper, we assess those factors by evaluating and comparing different parallelizations of the same problem on a multiprocessor containing a CPU with 40 cores and four P100 GPUs with Pascal architecture. We use as study case the convolutional operation behind a non-standard finite element mesh truncation technique in the context of open region electromagnetic wave propagation problems. A total of six parallel algorithms implemented using OpenMP and CUDA have been used to carry out the comparison by leveraging the same levels of parallelism on both types of platforms. Three of the algorithms are presented for the first time in this paper, including a multi-GPU method, and two others are improved versions of algorithms previously developed by some of the authors.This paper presents a thorough experimental evaluation of the parallel algorithms on a Radar Cross Section prediction problem. Results show that performance obtained on the GPU clearly overcomes those obtained in the CPU, much more so if we use multiple GPUs to distribute both data and computations. Accelerations close to 30 have been obtained on the CPU, while with the multi-GPU version acceleration larger than 250 have been achieved.
Databáze: OpenAIRE