Toward >25% Efficient Monolithic Epitaxial GaAsP/Si Tandem Solar Cells

Autor: Daniel L. Lepkowski, Tyler J. Grassman, Alex Stavrides, Jacob T. Boyer, Daniel Derkacs, Stephen Bremner, Ned J. Western, Steven Whipple, Steven A. Ringel, Daniel J. Chmielewski, Christopher Kerestes, Hamid Mehrvarz, Chuqi Yi, Anita Ho-Baillie
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
Popis: We report here on progress made in the development of >20% efficient monolithic epitaxial III-V/Si tandem solar cells. Following our prior demonstration of a GaAs0.75P0.25/Si tandem cell with verified AM1.5G efficiency of 20.1%, we have undertaken intensive efforts aimed at optimization of the top and bottom subcells, involving both materials quality improvement and detailed device structure refinement. To date we have thus demonstrated 21.8% AM1.5G GaAs0.75P0.25/Si tandem cells making use of an optimized, but still defect-limited GaAsP top cell combined with a simple diffusion-processed (emitter and back-surface field) Si bottom cell. With recent development of a low dislocation density III-V-on-Si epitaxial materials platform, as well as bottom cell enhancements for photon management, analytical performance loss analysis and efficiency projections indicate that >25% is achievable in the near-term, and 30% within reach with additional holistic optimization.
Databáze: OpenAIRE