III. Plain Radiography of the Abdomen in Paediatric Practice

Autor: Nicholas Hajdu
Rok vydání: 1955
Zdroj: The British Journal of Radiology. 28:590-597
ISSN: 1748-880X
DOI: 10.1259/0007-1285-28-335-590
Popis: The Victoria Hospital for Children, London, S.W.3, is one of the smaller paediatric units with 110 beds and a yearly outpatient attendance of 25,000 infants and children. From the material of this hospital I wish to give examples of the benefits derived from studying plain radiographs of the abdomen and subject them to a critical survey. The main source of contrast is provided by air swallowed during feeding and crying. The contrast is in no way inferior to that provided by barium, yet interest in air contrast studies has lagged behind and occupied second place to barium technique. The reason has to be sought for in the great many variables which affect the presence and distribution of gas in the intestine (Table I). The amount of gas is determined by the balance between intake and elimination. The intake depends inter alia upon the vigour and efficiency of sucking movements, the position in which the infant is held during and between feeds, type and consistency of food, skill in handling and nervous fact...
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