Design Study of a 25-60 MA Plasma Flow Discharge Experiment Driven by a High Current Explosive Magnetocumulative Generator

Autor: V.I. Kargin, N.F. Popkov, P.V. Mironychev, A.S. Pikar, E.A. Ryaslov
Rok vydání: 1993
DOI: 10.21236/ada319137
Popis: A conceptual project is developed to provide the plasma flow discharge experiments at 25 60 MA currents supplied by a MC - generator. As a primary source, a commercial helical MC-generator C-320 is used, which powers four helical - coaxial generators. Each helical - coaxial generator is equipped with an explosive plasma switch providing current commutation on a load 5 mcsec before the generators stop operating. The generator impedance matching with the plasma flow discharge impedance is facilitated by high voltage cable transformer. A vacuum inductive storage and a diagnostic system are located in a shielded construction 8 meters from the MC - generators. The plasma flow discharge calculated current constitutes 60 MA in 5 mcsec powering period.
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