Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Using 3-D Seismic Attributes And Avo: Example From Campos Basin, Brazil

Autor: Ana Zélia Nunes de Barros, Marcos F. Bueno de Moraes
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: 6th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society.
Popis: The Congro Field is located in Campos Basin, Brazil, approximately 90 Km away from the coast in a water depth ranging from 200m to 600m. The main reservoir is composed of fine-grained low permeability Albian limestones with good hydrocarbon reserves. The vertical wells drilled in this field were considered noneconomic due to the low hydrocarbon productivity of the carbonate reservoirs. An area of the field was tested by a horizontal well in 1996 and presented high productivity. Then, it was conducted a detailed revaluation study involving multidisciplinary efforts (geophysics, geology and reservoir engineering) to obtain a better understanding of the reservoir characteristics and to improve the economicity of the field. The present work shows the results of the geophysical and geological reservoir interpretation using Congro 3D seismic data.
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