The Theoretical Perspectives Underlying Technology Transfer: A Literature Review

Autor: Suzana Idayu Wati Osman, Raduan Che Rose, Sazali Abdul Wahab
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: International Journal of Business and Management. 7
ISSN: 1833-8119
DOI: 10.5539/ijbm.v7n2p277
Popis: The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the existing technology transfer literature by comprehensivelyreviewing and outlining the theories underpinning technology transfer. This review could stimulate and generatedynamic ideas for future researchers i.e. to further identify, conceptualize and understand the theories andperspectives underlying technology transfer. Such strong understanding is necessary to enable the interestedparties (such as private sectors, government departments, academics, researchers and students) to relate thesetheories with the practical and empirical aspects of various technology transfer models, mechanism, issues andchallenges. This is due to the fact that different perspectives/theories underlying technology transfer will havedifferent theoretical arguments and insights, research problems, constructs, variables, and measurements. Theliteratures on technology transfer and international technology transfer are extensive, varied in perspective andfrom many disciplines; which include political science, economics, sociology, public policy, marketing andmanagement. Since technology transfer literatures cover wide research areas, therefore this paper sets its perimeterby focusing only on the theories and perspectives underlying intra and inter-firm technology transfer.
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