Noise and Vibration Risk Prevention Virtual Web for Ubiquitous Training

Autor: Jose Miguel Martinez-Valle, María Dolores Redel-Macías, Gerardo Pedrós-Perez, María Pilar Martinez-Jimenez, A.J. Cubero-Atienza
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Education. 58:303-308
ISSN: 1557-9638
Popis: This paper describes a new Web portal offering experimental labs for ubiquitous training of university engineering students in work-related risk prevention. The Web-accessible computer program simulates the noise and machine vibrations met in the work environment, in a series of virtual laboratories that mimic an actual laboratory and provide the corresponding calculations and plots. The main goal of this work is to provide new learning strategies and methodologies to motivate students and challenge them to learn risk prevention strategies for the workplace. Students can perform the virtual experiments before taking their actual laboratory classes and repeat them whenever and as often as they want. Evaluation results show the system was considered very satisfactory, with an average student rating of 8.95 out of a maximum of 10. As well as being used for educational purposes, the program can be used in industry as a decision tool for factory workers and technicians.
Databáze: OpenAIRE