OrBit: OR-Proof Identity-Based Identification with Tight Security for (as Low As) 1-Bit Loss

Autor: Ji-Jian Chin, Sook-Chin Yip, Jason Chia
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Provable and Practical Security ISBN: 9783030904012
Popis: Tightening the security reduction of a cryptosystem involves reducing the advantage of an adversary breaking the cryptosystem to a security assumption as closely as possible. Tighter security on a cryptosystem shows a clearer picture of its security, allowing for a more optimal security parameter at a certain level. In this work, we propose techniques to tighten the security of identity-based identification (IBI) schemes and demonstrate promising new results compared to existing reduction bounds. We show two distinct transformations for tightening security against concurrent attackers via the OR-proof technique of Fujioka et al. to lower security reduction loss. Our proposed techniques produce tighter security guarantees for as low as only a one-bit loss bound, hence the name: OrBit.
Databáze: OpenAIRE