Pseudosubhimalus asymmetricus Niranjana & Meshram & Nikoshe 2020, sp. nov

Autor: Niranjana, G. N., Meshram, Naresh M., Nikoshe, Akash Prakash
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4327326
Popis: 1. Pseudosubhimalus asymmetricus sp. nov. Meshram & Niranjana (Figs. 1-2, 9, 13 & 17-22) Male: Brown, crown pronotum and scutellum marked with irregular dark brown spots. Face black with irregular paired transverse yellow stripes. Compound eyes pale yellow with reddish tinge, ocelli orange. Forewings dark brown; veins pale, irregularly bordered with dark brown (Fig. 2). Head including eyes 1.1x width of pronotum (Fig. 13), in dorsal view obliquely rounded in front, crown length 0.35x width across eyes; face length 0.87x width of face. Ocelli near anterior margin of crown, distance between eye and ocellus equal to diameter of ocellus (Fig. 9). Pronotum 0.5x as long as width and 0.8x length of scutellum (Fig. 13). Male Genitalia: Pygofer 1.5x longer than broad (Fig. 17), with long setae on posterior half, dorsal and ventral posterior margin without serrations. Valve triangular (Fig. 18), subgenital plate longer than wide, gradually narrowed posteriorly, lateral margin with 9-10 uniseriate macrosetae, apex with long hair like setae (Fig. 18). Style (Fig. 19) broad at base with well-developed preapical lobe, apophysis long, slender, with blunt apex, 1/3 rd of total style length. Connective V-shaped (Fig. 22); stem narrowed, 0.8x length of arms. Aedeagus, in lateral view (Fig. 20), broadly C-shaped, shaft uniformly broad throughout its length, apex minutely serrated acute, sinuate and moderately broad at base. In dorsal view acuminate apically with two asymmetrical subapical processes (Fig. 21). Gonopore subapical at base of processes. Measurement (mm): Total Length: 7.1; Crown Length: 0.5; Width of Head: 1.9; Width of Pronotum: 2.4. Etymology: Species name asymmetricus alludes to asymmetrical subapical processes on aedeagus. Type material: Holotype: 1³ INDIA: Himachal Pradesh, Dalang maidan, (32.1297° N, 77.1241° E and 3300 MSL) 23.ix.2016, sweep net Coll., Niranjana (NPC). Remarks: This species is closely associated with P. trilobata, Meshram & Niranjana (2019) in certain characters but differs in having, aedeagus C-shaped, shaft uniformly broad throughout its length, with serrated acute apex; subapical processes asymmetrical.
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