Hilltopping Behavior of Polistes commanchus navajoe (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Autor: William Matthes-Sears, John Alcock
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Ethology. 71:42-53
ISSN: 1439-0310
DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.1986.tb00568.x
Popis: Males of the paper wasp Polistes commanchus aggregate in large numbers on hilltops in central and southeastern Arizona where individual males defend perch sites on shrubs, trees or rocks. Residents chase intruders away quickly and exhibit strong site fidelity at their perches. Takeovers are rare as are prolonged battles for possession of a site. Males have only weak preferences for peaktop perch sites as opposed to those lower on hillsides, and a similarly weak preference for perches in shrubs as opposed to those on rocks. Receptive females appear occasionally at the male aggregation sites to mate with perch holders. The relatively weak territoriality exhibited by P. commanchus may stem in part from the high density of males at peaktops and the correspondingly high rate of interactions. The evolution of hilltopping in a species whose reproductive females are clumped spatially at nest sites poses a puzzle for the ecological analysis of mating systems.
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