A comparative study on ocular damage induced by 1319nm laser radiation

Autor: Peng Chen, Zaifu Yang, Jiarui Wang, Huanwen Qian, Hongxia Chen
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 43:306-312
ISSN: 0196-8092
Popis: Background and Objectives: High energy loss of 1,319 nm laser due to pre-retinal water absorption makes the ocular axial length more critical, while the relative low absorbance of melanin makes retinal pigmented epi- thelium less contributing, to retinal damage threshold. However, both have never been illustrated experimen- tally. Here we determined and compared the retinal dam- age thresholds at this wavelength in three species with different axial lengths and retinal pigmentations. The cor- neal damage threshold was also determined for further comparative analysis. Materials and Methods: The retinal damage thresholds of albino rat, non-pigmented and pigmented rabbit, and the corneal damage threshold of non-pigmented rabbit were determined for 0.2 and/or 0.4-second exposure durations. The incident beam diameter on cornea was 5 mm for rabbit retinal and 2 mm for rat retinal and rabbit corneal lesion. Minimum visible lesions were examined 1- and 24-hour post-exposure. Probit analysis was used to establish the estimated damage threshold for 50% of exposures (ED50). The direct transmittance of pre-retinal eye media was used for further comparative
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