Impact of split application of fertilizer at various growth stages on Kinnow productivity under semi-arid irrigated ecosystem

Autor: R. P. S. Dalal, B. S. Beniwal, S. S. Dahiya, G. S. Rana
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Horticulture. 74:198
ISSN: 0974-0112
DOI: 10.5958/0974-0112.2017.00042.1
Popis: A study was conducted at the experimental orchard of the Department of Horticulture, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar to study the impact of split application of recommended dose of N @ 800 g; P2O5 @ 320 g and K2O @ 105 g/plant/year at various growth stages in Kinnow orchard for consecutive three years. The soil of the experimental site was sandy loam, free from CaCO3, poor in organic carbon, medium in phosphorus and high in potash content. The results of pooled data showed that application of nitrogen three times, 40% in February and 30% each in April and July; phosphorus two times, 50% each in February and April; and potash three times, 40% each in February and April and 20% in September reduced pre-harvest fruit drop (21.16%), increased number of fruits (10.19%) and increase in fruit yield about 10.29% with good quality in terms of TSS and peel thickness over control (recommended practice). Split application of N & K increased uptake, whereas, reverse was observed in phosphorus. The leaf N and K contents were highest when 30% of total N and 20% of total K/plant/year were applied in July (pre-autumn flush stage). Hence, there is a need to revise the current recommendation in response of K dose and frequency of N & K application on phenological stages to get optimum productivity of Kinnow orchard on sandy loam soils poor in organic carbon under semi-arid irrigated ecosystem of north western zone of India.
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