All-Optical Spectral Shuffling of Signals Traveling through Different Optical Routes

Autor: Afonso Jose do Prado, Marcelo Luis Francisco Abbade, A. A. Ferreira, Marcelo Pereira Nogueira, E.A.M. Fagotto, Ivan Aldaya, Thiago de Andrade Bragagnolle, Melissa de Oliveira Santos
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: ICTON
Popis: A recent proposed physical layer encryption technique uses an all-optical setup based on spatial light modulators to split two or more wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) signals in several spectral slices and to shuffle these slices. As a result, eavesdroppers aimed to recover information from a single target signal need to handle all the signals involved in the shuffling process. In this work, computer simulations are used to analyse the case where the shuffled signals propagate through different optical routes. From a security point of view, this is an interesting possibility because it obliges eavesdroppers to tap different optical fibres/ cables. On the other hand, each shuffled signal experiences different physical impairments and the deleterious consequences of these effects must be carefully investigated. Our results indicate that, in a metropolitan area network environment, penalties caused by attenuation and dispersion differences may be easily compensated with digital signal processing algorithms that are presently deployed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE