Semiconductor microcavities for enhanced nonlinear optics interactions

Autor: Ivan Favero, Giuseppe Leo, Sara Ducci, Alessio Andronico, Vincent Berger, Xavier Caillet
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications. 3
ISSN: 1990-2573
Popis: Semiconductor microcavities offer a unique way to enhance nonlinear optical processes through light confinement in space and time. In this article we review two different nonlinear optics semiconductor-based applications that benefit from the microcavity setting. Firstly, we discuss a difference frequency generation scheme in a GaAs microdisk. Secondly, we show how a recently demonstrated source of counter-propagating twin photons can display an appreciable performance improvement when combined with a vertical cavity.
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