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This paper presents the development of a didactic platform for speed control practices of direct current motor The bench is basically composed of a direct current motor, a shaded pole motor that acts as disturbance (load) system, a microcontrolled circuit (Arduino UNO) and a circuit for actioning the motors (power module). For the direct current motor speed control is used PID controller discretized speed, which is implemented in the Arduino. For the user interface, is developed a supervisory system in the Matlab software through the toolbox GUIDE. The supervisory system allows the user to perform the experiment the reaction of the step curve to determine the gains of the PID controller through tunings by Ziegler-Nichols and by Cohen-Coon. The bench can be operated in manual mode (open-loop), taking as input the analog voltage signals of the potentiometers referent the DC motor and the shaded pole motor, and automatic mode (closed loop), taking as the reference speed desired operation of the DC motor. In automatic mode of operation it is possible in the supervisory system, the drive shaded poles motor. The variables of interest (output signal, control signal, error and reference) are saved in files with .mat extension, which can be loaded through the supervisory system. |