Online Bayesian Sparse Learning with Spike and Slab Priors

Autor: Jennifer Neville, Kai Zhang, Shandian Zhe, Shikai Fang, Kuang-Chih Lee
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ICDM
DOI: 10.1109/icdm50108.2020.00023
Popis: In many applications, a parsimonious model is often preferred for better interpretability and predictive performance. Online algorithms have been studied extensively for building such models in big data and fast evolving environments, with a prominent example, FTRL-proximal [1]. However, existing methods typically do not provide confidence levels, and with the usage of $L_{1}$ regularization, the model estimation can be undermined by the uniform shrinkage on both relevant and irrelevant features. To address these issues, we developed OLSS, a Bayesian online sparse learning algorithm based on the spike-and-slab prior. OLSS achieves the same scalability as FTRL-proximal, but realizes appealing selective shrinkage and produces rich uncertainty information, such as posterior inclusion probabilities and feature weight variances. On the tasks of text classification and click-through-rate (CTR) prediction for Yahoo!'s display and search advertisement platforms, OLSS often demonstrates superior predictive performance to the state-of-the-art methods in industry, including Vowpal Wabbit [2] and FTRL-proximal.
Databáze: OpenAIRE