Teleportation for an Ionic Entangled Internal State by Entanglement Swapping

Autor: Fang Mao-Fa, Zheng Xiao-Juan, Cai Jian-Wu, Liao Xiang-Ping
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Chinese Physics Letters. 23:1980-1983
ISSN: 1741-3540
Popis: We present an effective scheme to teleport an unknown ionic entangled internal state via trapped ions without joint Bell-state measurement. In the constructed quantum channel process, we adopt entanglement swapping to avoid decrease of entanglement during the distribution of particles. Thus our scheme provides new prospects for quantum teleportation over longer distance. The distinct advantages of our scheme are that our scheme is insensitive to heating of vibrational mode and can be generalized to teleport an N-ion electronic entangled GHZ class state. Furthermore, in our scheme the success probability can reach 1.
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