The history of development of hiatal hernias’ surgery

Autor: Dmitrij I. Vasilevsky, Ivan S. Tarbaev, Akhmat M. Akhmatov
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 9:77-80
ISSN: 2587-6252
Popis: The article presents the main stages of formation of modern ideas about hiatal hernias as one of the most frequent variants of visceral anatomy’s impairment. The history of development of hiatal hearnias’ surgery is presented from the moment of its birth to the present time. According to modern ideas hiatal hernias are considered to be a chronic recurrent disease when abdominal part of esophagus, part of stomach or other internal is dislocated into a mediastenum and hernia ring is presented by esophageal hiatus. During the long time hiatal hernias were considered to be just the anatomical phenomenon. It’s known that Angello Soresi was the first American surgeon who performed an operation on hiatal hernia in 1919. A lot of original techniques of hiatal hernias’ surgery were devised in 1950. Operations developed by American surgeon – Ronald Belsey and European clinicians – Philip Allison and others became mostly widespread. During the next 10 years (1960-1970) techniques with obligatory antireflux component were offered. Most effective and popular operations which are used nowadays are ones that were developed by Rudolph Nissen, Andre Toupet, Lucius Hill and others. New stage of hiatal hernias` surgery started at 90’s of the XX century – the century of laparoscopic technologies’ wide application into clinical practice. Bernard Dallemagen performed such an operation for the first time in 1991. V.A. Kubyshkin, V.D. Fedorov and many others became the ideologists and pioneers of laparoscopic surgery of haital hernias in Russia. Application of new treatment methods and standardization of most surgical techniques permitted to increase efficiency and safety of hiatal hernias’ surgery.
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