Experimental evaluation of material identification methods with CdTe X-rays spectrometric detector

Autor: Andrea Brambilla, G. Gonon, Loick Verger, Jean Rinkel, Caroline Boudou, Patrice Ouvrier-Buffet, Guillaume Beldjoudi, Véronique Rebuffel
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposuim & Medical Imaging Conference.
DOI: 10.1109/nssmic.2010.5874546
Popis: This paper presents multi dimensional approaches for material identification applied on experimental X-ray measurements obtained with CdTe spectrometric detector. LETI has been developing a 16 channels fast read-out electronics capable to perform spectrometric measurements at count rates above 107 counts/s. The read-out electronics was coupled to CdTe linear array pixel detectors. A multidimensional analysis of the measured spectra has been developed to perform material identification. The results show a decrease of false detection rate by a factor up to 2 compared to an optimised dual counting approach applied on the same spectrometric raw data. Compared to a sandwich detector, the false detection rate is decreasing by a factor higher than 3 for thin objects. Generally, the paper demonstrates quantitatively the continuous performance and robustness increase with the number of detector energy channels.
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