A national pilot to implement pressure ulcer guidelines: results of the baseline audit

Autor: Debra Bick, Fiona Stephens
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: British Journal of Community Nursing. 7:34-38
ISSN: 2052-2215
Popis: The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) national pilot audit project aims to facilitate the dissemination and implementation of the RCN clinical guideline on pressure ulcer risk assessment and prevention using an evidence-based, tailored strategy. Recent government White Papers reinforced the move towards evidence-based healthcare that includes performance measures, clinical effectiveness and ongoing professional development. Structured dissemination and implementation of the RCN guideline can aid this process by improving patient care, as well as in a culture where more patients are seeking recompense for ‘poor’ care assist in reducing litigation and complaints. This article focuses on the findings of the baseline audit. Providing a summary of the project to date, looking at site recruitment, the provisional results and recommendations of the baseline audit and local initiatives for supporting the ongoing implementation process. It describes the local, site specific feedback and education workshops and the implementation resources developed to assist the sites in the process. The project is due for completion at the end of 2002 following which the final results will be published.
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