How Do Black Americans Construct Racial Boundaries? The Effects of Genetic Ancestry Across Context and Prior Identification

Autor: Thompson, Marissa, Martschenko, Daphne, Trejo, Sam, Alvero, AJ
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: This study is a survey experiment designed to understand how US-born Black Americans racially classify others. In particular, we focus on how Black Americans use genetic ancestry information to draw boundaries around who does or does not ‘count’ as Black. We will field this study in early 2023 among 3,100 US-born Black Americans (through YouGov). We will test how Black Americans value and appraise genetic ancestry test (GAT) information when considering a racially ambiguous individual. To do so, we will run a survey experiment that contains a vignette about a fictitious individual. Respondents will be randomly assigned to conditions with varying Sub-Saharan African genetic ancestry percentages, prior racial identifications, and contexts in which the individual is identifying as Black. In sum, we will explore how Black Americans enforce racial boundaries in the presence of GAT results, as well as when such boundaries vary. The study is a between-subject survey experiment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE