Schwannome kystique pelvien évoquant une tumeur de la vésicule séminale droite

Autor: Christian Coulange, Romain Boissier, Eric Lechevallier, F. Vidal, L. Fievet, J. Villeret
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Progrès en Urologie. 20:660-664
ISSN: 1166-7087
Popis: We present the case of a pelvic schwannoma in a 36 year old man. It was discovered by chance during the medical assessment of a prostatitis. A computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 8 centimeters cystic pelvic tumor, closed to the right seminal vesicle. The patient underwent a transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy, which showed a proliferation of neural peripheric cells with nuclear abnormalities. A tumorectomy was performed by laparotomy. The histological study diagnosed a benign cystic schwannoma. The patient was free of disease 12 months postoperatively.
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