A Perceptually Driven Model for Transmission of Arbitrary 3D Models over Unreliable Networks

Autor: Anup Basu, Irene Cheng, Lihang Ying
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: 3DPVT
Popis: 3D transmission over unreliable networks needs to take into account the possibility of packet loss. In this work we describe a perceptually motivated strategy for joint transmission of texture and mesh over unreliable networks. The approach is described initially considering regular mesh structure, to show the utility of optimizing the texture-mesh tradeoff. In order to generalize our approach to arbitrary meshes we consider stripification of the mesh, combined with a strategy that does not need texture or vertex packets to be re-transmitted. Only the valence (connectivity) packets need to be re-transmitted; however, storage of valence information requires only 10% space compared to vertices and even less compared to photo-realistic texture. Thus, only less than 5% of the packets may need to be re-transmitted in the worst case to allow our algorithm to successfully reconstruct an acceptable object under severe packet loss. Results showing the implementation of the proposed approach are described.
Databáze: OpenAIRE