Development of analog-digital readout integrated circuits for infrared focal plane arrays

Autor: M. A. Dem’yanenko, I. V. Marchishin, Victor N. Ovsyuk, A. I. Kozlov
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing. 52:630-636
ISSN: 1934-7944
Popis: This paper describes the design of readout integrated circuits (ROICs) for hybrid infrared focal plane arrays (IR FPAs). This work contains the estimation of the noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) of IR FPAs based on frame and row integration of pixel signals in the spectral ranges of 8 to 14 and 3 to 5 μm. This paper also describes the development of ROICs for IR FPAs created with the use of mercury—cadmium—telluride (MCT) photodiodes and quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs). The designed ROICs ensure the use of matrix and linear photodetector chips, including those with increased dark currents, in order to produce IR FPAs with temperature resolution corresponding to the world level of array analogs.
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