Glucose Abnormalities and Inappropriate Weight Gain Predict Negative Pregnancy Outcomes After Gastric Bypass Surgery

Autor: M. Coustols, P Guerby, Olivier Parant, G. Tuyeras, Patrick Ritz, Hélène Hanaire, B. Guyard-Boileau, Monelle Bertrand, H Gohier
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Obesity Surgery. 31:3123-3129
ISSN: 1708-0428
Popis: Pregnancy after gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery remains at high risk for gestational diabetes mellitus, prematurity, and small for gestational age infants (SGA). Our objective was to describe the interstitial glucose (IG) profiles and weight changes during such pregnancies, and the association of these factors with adverse pregnancy outcomes. One hundred twenty two pregnancies were analyzed in a monocentric retrospective study. IG profiles were evaluated by continuous glucose monitoring for 4 days. Maternal (hypertension, hospitalizations, and caesarean section) and neonatal outcomes (prematurity, weight for gestational age, hospitalizations, and malformations) were recorded. A logistic stepwise regression model assessed the influence of weight gain and impaired IG on pregnancy outcomes. Pregnancies occurred 33 (SD 21 months) after surgery. 73% of the women had IG abnormalities (55% with an increased % of time >140 mg/dl and 69% with an increased % of time 140 mg/dl and an excessive maternal weight gain. Prematurity was associated with a high % of time
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