A Semiotic Approach to the Act of Naming Houses in Victorian Novels

Autor: Boghian, Ioana
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.546159
Popis: The semiotic approach to the act of naming houses found in 19th-century English novels is meant to reveal the significations of a common cultural practice of the time, particularly belonging to middle-class and wealthy families owning a house/manor/hall: that of attributing names to houses. Rezumat Abordarea semiotică a nominalizării locuinţelor în romanele din sec. al XIX-lea are drept scop dezvăluirea semnificaţiilor unei practici culturale comune a timpului dat, şi anume cea de a atribui nume caselor, conacelor, sălilor etc., adică locuinţelor care aparţineau famiilor de mijloc şi celor bogate ale societăţii
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