Autor: Manzar Zakaria, Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman Abid Butt, Syed Rizwan Hussain, Ghulam Farid Rana
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: The Professional Medical Journal. 15:375-379
ISSN: 2071-7733
DOI: 10.29309/tpmj/2008.15.03.2835
Popis: Introduction: Hepatic encephalopathy is a common complication of cirrhosis.Its development heralds a poor prognosis. Hepatic encephalopathy is often precipitated by an identifiable factor. Promptdiagnosis of precipitating factors is the key to management of this reversible complication of cirrhosis. Objective: Todetermine the frequency of precipitating factors for hepatic encephalopathy in patients diagnosed with cirrhosis. StudyDesign: Descriptive Study. Place and Duration of study: The study was carried out at Combined Military HospitalLahore from 18.6.07 to 18.12.2007. Patients and methods: Eighty Consecutive patients, 18 years and above of bothgenders suffering from hepatic encephalopathy were included in the study. Precipitating factors of hepaticencephalopathy were identified with the help of clinical examination and investigations. Results: Majority of patients(63.8%) had one precipitating factor; more than one factorwas found in 27.5%. Upper gastrointestinal bleed (56%) andinfections (27%) (spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and urinary tract infections) were the leading precipitating factors.Use of diuretics/ electrolyte imbalance and constipation were found in 19% and 7% of patients respectively. Noprecipitating factor was detected in 9% of patients. Conclusion: In majority of patients with hepatic encephalopathy,precipitating factor/ factors could be easily identified.
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