E2 decay strength of the M1 scissors mode of Gd156 and its first excited rotational state

Autor: Markus Zweidinger, Marcus Scheck, Jacob Beller, V. Werner, Christopher Romig, V. Derya, B. Löher, Andreas Zilges, V. Yu. Ponomarev, T. Beck, Deniz Savran, U. Gayer, Achim Richter, A. Hennig, Megha Bhike, J. Isaak, Werner Tornow, Norbert Pietralla, J. Birkhan
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Physical Review Letters. 118
ISSN: 1079-7114
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.118.212502
Popis: The $E2/M1$ multipole mixing ratio ${\ensuremath{\delta}}_{1\ensuremath{\rightarrow}2}$ of the ${1}_{\mathrm{sc}}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{2}_{1}^{+}$ $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray decay in $^{156}\mathrm{Gd}$ and hence the isovector $E2$ transition rate of the scissors mode of a well-deformed rotational nucleus has been measured for the first time. It has been obtained from the angular distribution of an artificial quasimonochromatic linearly polarized $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray beam of energy 3.07(6) MeV scattered inelastically off an isotopically highly enriched $^{156}\mathrm{Gd}$ target. The data yield first direct support for the deformation dependence of effective proton and neutron quadrupole boson charges in the framework of algebraic nuclear models. First evidence for a low-lying ${J}^{\ensuremath{\pi}}={2}^{+}$ member of the rotational band of states on top of the ${1}^{+}$ band head is obtained, too, indicating a significant signature splitting in the $K=1$ scissors mode rotational band.
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