Graphene in NLO Devices for High Laser Energy Protection

Autor: Christy Martin, John S. Lettow
Rok vydání: 2010
Popis: During the last few years, graphene has emerged as a material of choice in various applications due its unique mechanical and electronic properties. Since 2005, Vorbeck Materials Corporation, presently the only company in the world that is manufacturing graphene in > ton/yr quantities suitable for industrial applications, has been working to advance the application base of graphene. We have recently demonstrated in laser protection applications, that graphene-based suspensions show non-Linear reductions in the transmission of high energy laser light. In this study, methods to improve the suspension dispersion and stability were developed. In addition, parameters that yield the unique NLO characteristics of graphene suspensions and the mechanisms leading to the NLO property in graphene suspensions were investigated.
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