Interaction of Heat and Salt Shock in Cultured Tobacco Cells

Autor: H. Michael Harrington, David M. Alm
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Plant Physiology. 88:618-625
ISSN: 1532-2548
Popis: Cultured tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum L. var Wisconsin-38) developed tolerance to otherwise nonpermissive 54°C treatment when heat-shocked at 38°C (2 h) but not at 42°C. Heat-shocked cells (38°C) exhibited little normal growth when the 54°C stress came immediately after heat shock and normal growth when 54°C stress was administered 8 hours after heat shock. Heat shock extended the length of time that the cells tolerated 54°C. Tobacco cells developed tolerance to otherwise lethal 2% NaCl treatment when salt-shocked (1.2% NaCl for 3 hours). The time course for salt tolerance development was similar to that of thermotolerance. Heat-shocked cells (38°C) developed tolerance of nonpermissive salt stress 8 hours after heat shock. Alternatively, cells heat-shocked at 42°C exhibited immediate tolerance to lethal salt stress followed by a decline over 8 hours. Radioactive methionine incorporation studies demonstrated synthesis of heat shock proteins at 38°C. The apparent molecular weights range from 15 to 115 kilodaltons with a protein complex in the 15 to 20 kilodalton range. Synthesis of heat shock proteins appeared to persist at 42°C but with large decreases in incorporation into selected heat shock protein. During salt shock, the synthesis of normal control proteins was reduced and a group of salt shock proteins appeared 3 to 6 h after shock. Similarities between the physiology and salt shock proteins/heat shock proteins suggest that both forms of stress may share common elements.
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