Maternity, Migration, and Mental Health: Comparison Between Spanish and Latina Immigrant Mothers in Postpartum Depression and Health Behaviors

Autor: Purificación Navarro García, Estel Gelabert, Carlos Ascaso Terren, Lluïsa Garcia-Esteve, Mª Luisa Imaz Gurrutxaga, Anna Torres Giménez
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Perinatal Depression among Spanish-Speaking and Latin American Women ISBN: 9781461480440
Popis: This chapter has two objectives. First, it provides an overview of the state of the art of the assistance of postpartum depression (PPD) in the context of the Spanish Health System. Second, it describes a study aimed to explore the differences between Spanish and Spanish-speaking Latin American immigrant (LAI) mothers in terms of rates of PPD and health behaviors. LAI mothers are socioeconomically disadvantaged; they are younger, have less support from their partner, and have more economic problems than Spanish mothers. Seventeen percent of the LAI mothers will develop PPD, and 11 % a major depressive episode in the postpartum period. They have an increased risk of PPD and poorer reproductive health habits (unplanned pregnancies and induced abortions) than Spanish mothers, with the exception of the preference for breast-feeding. Given the vulnerability of LAI mothers living in Spain, efforts to address their psychosocial and perinatal mental health needs should be addressed by healthcare providers at all levels.
Databáze: OpenAIRE