Scientific considerations for a common Saturn/Uranus atmospheric entry probe

Autor: K. W. Ledbetter
Rok vydání: 1973
Zdroj: Joint Space Mission Planning and Execution Meeting.
DOI: 10.2514/6.1973-594
Popis: Development of a scientific rationale for an atmospheric probe designed to be capable of entry into either Saturn or Uranus. The effects of the NASA Monograph model atmospheres (SP 8091 and SP 8103) on the entry and descent trajectory specify instrument sampling design. The cool model atmospheres require descents to the vicinity of 20 bars to satisfy the objectives while about 4 bars is sufficient for the warm models. The measurement performance for a descent sampling time of 44 minutes shows that the atmosphere can be reconstructed from measured data. The required total probe entry weight is 103 kg, of which about 15 kg is for the science instruments. The descent data rate varies from 32 to 51 bps, depending upon the mode of transmitting preentry data. The resulting common probe can be redirected in flight between Saturn and Uranus.
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