Autor: Kateryna Pryshliak
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University, "Economics" Series. 1:4-11
ISSN: 2311-5149
DOI: 10.25264/2311-5149-2020-19(47)-4-11
Popis: The modern trend of land lease relations in agriculture, singled out the existing problems and ways to solve them. Genesis of the land lease relations development in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine is studied. Сurrent trends in the agricultural sector are revealed. The general approaches to establishing leasing relations as an important component of land use are defined. The authors show that land lease is the main direction of land shares’ (pay) applied in Ukraine by owners, who have received certificates about the land transfer act. Tendencies of change in the rent value for agricultural lands, dynamics of forms of rent for land shares (pay) and subject structure of signed agreements on land shares (pay) lease, structure by contract duration of signed agreements on land shares (pay) lease in Ukraine are determined. The distribution of leases by subject composition and in terms of making. Revealed a gradual reduction in the number of contracts concluded for a period of 1-3 years and the increasing number of medium- and long-term lease. The existing trends in forms of rent calculation for land shares, namely, money, natural, the labor were defined. It was established that the natural form of payment remains dominant . The projected values of rent for land shares are calculated. How to quote: Pryshlyak KM Development of land lease relations. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series "Economics": a scientific journal.Ostrog: NaUOA Publishing House, September 2020. № 19 (47). Pp. 4–11. Formulas: 2; fig .: 6; table: 1, bibl .: 11. Link: 1. Law of Ukraine "On Land Lease" dated 06.10.1998 № 161-XIV; edition of 20.12.2015 Law of Ukraine "On Land Lease" type 06.10.1998 № 161-XIV; redaktsiya vid 20.12.2015 [Law of Ukraine “On Land Lease” of October 6, 1998 № 161-XIV; edition of 20.12.2015 ] [in Ukrainian]2. 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