Carrier Characteristics in Copper-Doped WO3 from Conductivity, Hall Voltage, and Thermal E.m.f. Studies

Autor: M. J. Sienko, Paul F. Weller
Rok vydání: 1962
Zdroj: Inorganic Chemistry. 1:324-331
ISSN: 1520-510X
DOI: 10.1021/ic50002a025
Popis: D-269 0079N6 D-269 008Div. 15 U (TISTP/MFA) Calfornia U., Berkeley. STONG CONSISTENCY OF STOCHASTIC APPROXIMAION METHODS. hesis, by Julius bin Blum. 1953, 59p. 8 refs. (AROD rept. no. 362:7) Unclassified report For reference only at each of the ASTIA Offices. his report cannot be stisfacorily reproduced; ASTIA does not furnish copies. DESCRIPTORS: (Statistcal analysi, *Proba blity, *Meaure theory, tatstical distriu tions, *Staistica processes, Mtrix algeba.) heses. he stong convergence properties of certain stochastic approxiaion methods ae presented. Suh methods are used in satistia problems to estimae the root of a regresion equation, or to estimte the point at which a regresson function achieves its maximum. (ATHOR) D-269 0085 ref. D-269 009Div. 30 U (TSTP/WH) Computation Center, Carnegie INST. OF Tech., Pittsbrgh, Pa. SOME NOTES ON THE PROCESSOR 20 p OF THE ALGORITHMIC LANGUAGE 20 L. Interim rept. no. 5, by A. J. Perlis. 19 Oct 61, 11p. incl. table, 2 refs. Contrct D 36-039-s-75081) Unclssified report For reference only at eah of the ASTIA Offices. This report cannot be sisfacoriy reproduced; ASTA does not furnish copies. DESCRIPTORS: (*Programing, Digital computers, Compuer logic.) (*Coding, MATHEMTIA COM PUTER DTA.) Data processing systems.
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