Degradation of Methyl β-D-Ribopyranoside and Methyl β-D-Xylopyranoside by Oxygen in Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide Solution

Autor: David O. Hearne, Norman S. Thompson, Leland Roy Schroeder
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 11:307-327
ISSN: 1532-2319
DOI: 10.1080/02773819108050277
Popis: Methyl β-D-ribopyranoside (1) and methyl β-D-xylopyranoside (2) were degraded by oxygen (0.682 MPa partial pressure) in 1.25 M sodium hydroxide at 120°C. The degradations of 1 and 2 were similar to the previously reported degradations of 1,5-anhydroribitol (3) and 1,5-anhydroxylitol (4), respectively.4 Both hydrogen peroxide and stable organic peroxides were detected in the reactions of 1 and 2. The riboside 1 degraded faster than the xyloside 2. This difference in reactivity is proposed to be a function of the relative acidity of the glycosides. Ionization of hydroxyl groups is postulated to be favored in 1, thus facilitating the initiation of the free radical degradation. The degradations of both 1 and 2 exhibited complex kinetics indicating autoinhibited reactions. In spite of the differences in reactivity, glycosidic bond cleavage occurred in approximately 60% of the degradations for both 1 and 2. C-1 radicals, resulting from abstraction of the anomeric hydrogen atom, are proposed to cause th...
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