Violence and Gang Evolution: Scottish Perspectives

Autor: Ross Deuchar, Robert McLean, Chris Holligan, James A. Densley
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.1332/policypress/9781529210569.003.0002
Popis: This chapter critically examines recent statistical trends relating to the general issues of violent criminality and offensive weapon-handling in Scotland. It begins by providing a brief history of street gangs in Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, from their roots in sectarian rivalry to the territorial and recreational focus adopted in the post-industrial era. The chapter then discusses how knife crime has traditionally been a defining feature of street gangs in Glasgow and of street-oriented violence governed by expectations around masculine honour. It also explores insights into the recorded motivations for knife-carrying and gang violence among young people, drawing from previous research as well as the emerging evidence suggesting that gangs may have evolved in the west of Scotland. Finally, the chapter outlines the methodological approaches for this book's study, detailing the sampling methods, access arrangements, geographical locations, ethical protocols, and data analysis methods used.
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