Pelvic floor disorders of women from the point of coloproctologist‘s view

Autor: Alena Berková, Petr Vlček, Vladimír Červeňák, Jiří Dolina, Tamara Vystrčilová, Beata Hemmelová, Zdeněk Chovanec
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Gastroenterologie a hepatologie. 76:319-326
ISSN: 1804-803X
Popis: Summary: Disorders of the pelvic floor and anorectal dysfunction are a major cause of discomfort for many women. As a result of shyness and embarrassment, women come for medical examination after a longer period of difficulties, mostly for progressive disorder of defecation and continence. Despite the low morbidity, anorectal dysfunctions have a very significant impact on patient’s quality of life and therefore dia­gnosis and subsequent treatment should be aimed at every possible cause. Gastroenterological examination can play an important part In primary detection, but also in the multidisciplinary dia­gnostic process of pelvic floor pathology. Likewise, coloproctology is an integral part of the dia­gnostic-therapeutic algorithm of pelvic dysfunctions. The aim of the article is to provide information on the pathophysiology, dia­gnosis and treatment of anorectal disorders from the perspective of coloproctology. Anorectal dysfunctions are a multidisciplinary problem, therefore, to achieve good treatment results, the cooperation of different specializations is essential. Key words: anorectal dysfunction – defecation – prolapse – rectocele – incontinence – rectopexy
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