Student and Teacher Perceptions of Citizenship Strategies Supported by the Internet of Things

Autor: António Augusto de Freitas Gonçalves Moreira, Manuel Joaquim de Sousa Santos, Vânia Carlos
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Handbook of Research on Global Education and the Impact of Institutional Policies on Educational Technologies ISBN: 9781799881933
Handbook of Research on Global Education and the Impact of Institutional Policies on Educational Technologies
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8193-3.ch005
Popis: Since the demands of civic life are constantly increasing, there is an emergent call for citizens to actively engage in local and wide societal issues. To build the portrayal of the study participants' participatory citizenship attitudes, several research instruments were implemented in the educational community. A closer look at the data analyzed presents a portrait of low involvement of students, as far as participatory citizens is concerned, in the educational community they belong to. Recently, we have witnessed the emergence of technological innovations, the internet of things (IoT) being one of them. Although IoT is not considered to be a new technology, teachers are just scratching the surface on how to use it to enhance innovative and disruptive learning scenarios. This chapter looks at the development of participatory citizenship co-constructed guidelines, based on students' and teachers' perceptions of citizenship strategies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE