Economic Comparison Between Two Hybrid Systems (Wind-Hydrogen) and (Wind-Hydroelectric) for Electricity Production in Socotra, Yemen

Autor: Outhman Elbakkali, Saif Serag, Adil Echchelh
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Digital Technologies and Applications ISBN: 9783030738815
Popis: Renewable energy sources are one of the main sources of energy production, Therefore, all researchers interesting in these sources, and consider it as a primary source to cover a country’s needs, especially in developing countries such as Yemen, which suffer from a large deficit to cover region’s need for electric energy, including remote islands such as Socotra. In this paper, we will present an economic study for electricity production by wind turbines in Socotra Island, and an economic comparison between two means of energy storage, which is energy storage by hydrogen production or by hydroelectric, and we accurately estimate the energy unit price (kWh) to know the economic cost of two storage methods.
Databáze: OpenAIRE