Nuclear Data Sheets for A=23

Autor: M. Shamsuzzoha Basunia, Anagha Chakraborty
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Nuclear Data Sheets. 171:1-252
ISSN: 0090-3752
DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2020.12.001
Popis: Evaluated spectroscopic data and level schemes from radioactive decay and nuclear reaction studies are presented for 23N, 23O, 23F, 23Ne, 23Na, 23Mg, 23Al, and 23Si. This evaluation for A=23 supersedes the earlier one by R. B. Firestone (2007Fi02). Highlights of this evaluation are the following: The recommended absolute γ-ray emission probability (%Pγ) in the 23Ne β-decay was reported with 3.0% systematic uncertainty in 1986BrZQ. In 2007Fi02, the Pγ for the most intense γ ray was recommended with 4% uncertainty. These uncertainties are comparable with the total excited state β feeding uncertainty of 33 l, resulting from 100–67 l (g.s. β feeding) in 23Na (1963Ca06). In this evaluation, notes are added for relative and absolute γ-ray emission probabilities. From new measurements 2020Kw01 constrain the spin of the 7788 keV level, the dominant resonance state for the 22Na(p,γ)22Mg reaction rate at stellar temperature, in 23Mg to (3/2+,5/2+). Earlier assignment was 7/2+. The 23Al e decay scheme appears to be incomplete. Some of the latest reported data on the 23Al e decay study in the literature need verification.
Databáze: OpenAIRE