Root Absorption of Permanent Teeth. II. A Study of Bone and Tooth Changes Incident to Experimental Tooth Movement**Read before the Section on Orthodontia at the Midwinter Clinic of the Chicago Dental Society, Jan. 15, 1930.Aided by grants from the American Society of Orthodontists, the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists and the Board of Research of the University of California; conducted at the George Williams Hooper Foundation for Medical Research and the College of Dentistry, University of California

Autor: John Albert Marshall
Rok vydání: 1930
Zdroj: The Journal of the American Dental Association (1922). 17:1221-1235
ISSN: 1048-6364
DOI: 10.14219/jada.archive.1930.0202
Databáze: OpenAIRE