Structure of barium dipotassium hexanitrocobaltate(II): a redetermination

Autor: J. K. Beattie, C. J. Moore, T. W. Hambley
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Acta Crystallographica Section C Crystal Structure Communications. 42:11-13
ISSN: 0108-2701
Popis: BaK/sub 2/(Co(NO/sub 2/)/sub 6/), Msub(r)=550.5, cubic, Fm3, a=10.653 (2) A, V=1209.0 A/sup 3/, Z=4, Dsub(x)=3.024 g cm/sup -3/, Mo K..cap alpha.., lambda=0.71069 A, cm/sup -1/, F(000)=1036, T=294 K, final R=0.027 for 323 reflections. The (Co(NO/sub 2/)/sub 6/)/sup 4 -/ anion has m3 (Tsub(h)) symmetry. The Co-N distance is 2.010 (3) A, which is only 0.06 A longer than in an analogous Cosup(I)II complex. The thermal ellipsoid of the N atom reveals no anisotropy, in contrast with other structures containing the same complex anion. (orig.).
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