Measurement of UV-A and UV-B irradiance with glass-filtered detectors

Autor: Sandor Ferenczi, Miklos Racz, Istvan Reti
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: Glass filter packages were designed to cut out UV-A band (320 - 400 nm) using GaP photodiodes and UV-B band (280 - 320 nm) with solar blind phototubes. UV diffusor plates were applied in input optics for cosine correction. Probes are calibrated to equienergetic source. Spectral and directional errors are calculated, as well as the relative responsivity factors for a number of radiation sources. Systems for measuring the spectral characteristics of the photodetectors and the filters, and the directional characteristics of the probes, as well as a software optimizing the thicknesses of the filters in order to reach the minimal integral error are touched upon.
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