Keimzelltumoren – Dokumentation von Diagnostik und Therapie mittels Web-basierten modularen Dokumentationssystems

Autor: Popken G, Martin Schostak, Akhavuz O, Düffelmeyer M, M. Schrader, Schreiter N, A. Jagota, Tom Fischer, Nitzke T, K. Miller
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Aktuelle Urologie. 39:442-446
ISSN: 1438-8820
Popis: PROBLEM: Health telematics is gaining ground worldwide as it promises the bridging of distances in space and time as well as a highly effective use of financial and other resources. In Germany the development and introduction of a national telematic platform is in the foreground at present. However, there are a number of more specialised projects already in existence. The aim of this study was to develop an internet platform to document the quality of individual sections of treatment for patients with germ cell tumours in Berlin and to improve the therapy in conformity with the S2 guidelines. MATERIAL AND METHODS: As a pilot project, a web-based modular database system (WBMDS) was developed, which can be used by any physician involved in the treatment of germ cell tumour patients from any computer connected to the internet. RESULTS: The WBMDS proved to be a practicable system of documentation. Data protection was ensured by pseudonyms as well as symmetrical and asymmetrical coding. The size of the extended documentation mask that had initially seemed to be necessary for valid documentation appeared to be too user-unfriendly with its 833 items. To meet the requirements of the user as well as of the documentation, a compact variant with 496 input fields was designed. On a random basis, treatment not in conformity with the guidelines could be detected in 20 % of 151 patients with the help of this system. CONCLUSION: For the successful use of an oncological database the following showed to be essential:[nl]Queries clearly defined for later statistical evaluation,[nl]clear separation between the phases of planning and implementation,[nl]a size of the database that does not make excessive demands on the user,[nl]intensive training of the users.[nl]The modular database system established proved to be well suitable for a quality-ensuring longitudinal case documentation, which can also be applied to other tumour entities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE