Study of Gamow-Teller Transition Strengths in fp-shell Nuclei Using the 64Ni(d,2He)64Co Reaction

Autor: A. Shevchenko, P. von Neumann‐Cosel, M.D. Hunyadi, Lucia Popescu, E. Jacobs, H.J. Wörtche, S. Rakers, M. de Huu, N. Ryezayeva, C. Bäumer, A.M. van den Berg, E.-W. Grewe, A. Negret, Y. Fujita, Herbert A. Simon, D. Frekers, D. De Frenne, Håkan T Johansson, A. Korff, P. Haefner
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
DOI: 10.1063/1.1805957
Popis: The 64Ni(d,2He)64Co reaction was studied at the AGOR cyclotron of the KVI, Groningen, with the Big‐Bite Spectrometer and the EuroSuperNova detector using a deuteron beam of 170 MeV. An energy resolution of about 100 keV was achieved. In addition to the ground‐state with Jπ = 1+, several other 1+ states could be identified and the strengths of the corresponding Gamow‐Teller transitions determined.
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