Modern Automatics for Elimination of Asynchronous Operation

Autor: Maxim G. Popov, Denis E. Petrushin, Nikolai G. Pavlov
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 International Ural Conference on Electrical Power Engineering (UralCon).
DOI: 10.1109/uralcon.2019.8877682
Popis: Background The paper has a multilateral description of asynchronous operation, and aims to improve automatic protective devices. A mathematical model of processes is developed by synthesis and control of generalized analytical signals by using data record of complex values. This made it possible to estimate automatics for elimination of asynchronous operation in the coordinate system and formulate requirements for automatics to avoid loss of generator excitation and prevent quasi-stable asynchronous operation development. Materials and methods: A realization of filter of summarized analytical signals of voltage and current is used in the paper. The method is based on Hilbert transform and coordinate-system transformation. Results: An operating characteristic of two-stage automatics for elimination of asynchronous operation is described. Conclusions: A method of improvement for modern automatics for elimination of asynchronous operation is proposed.
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