The Protome Painter and Some Contemporaries

Autor: Sara A. Immerwahr
Rok vydání: 1956
Zdroj: American Journal of Archaeology. 60:137-141
ISSN: 1939-828X
DOI: 10.2307/500691
Popis: IN the past decade or two the Mycenaean pictorial style of vase painting has been the subject of an increasing number of studies.' Some of these treated individual vases, others established the pictorial style as an integral part of the entire Late Helladic III ceramic phase, sharing its chronological development. Most studies have, however, been presented with a preconceived notion as to the place of manufacture of the vases in an attempt to draw them into the larger question of the Mycenaean colonization of Cyprus and the Levant. Good arguments have been adduced in favor of manufacture
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